News - Thursday, November 24th

Antibiotics shortage 

A shortage in antibiotics and paracetamol is putting France at risk of a major public health crisis, as stocks of the antibiotic amoxicillin and over-the-counter pain medication dwindle.

In a joint statement, paediatric and infectious diseases specialists said conditions were in place for a “major public health crisis in paediatrics within a few days”. 

Doctors warn of devastating consequences as  insufficient measures have been taken since French health authorities last week alerted medical professionals of "strong supply tensions" for amoxicillin – especially in the syrup form given to children.

Medical groups are advising on a "drastic restriction" of the prescriptions by imposing constraints directly on doctors, and the government is calling on drugmakers to increase their production levels.

Around hundred other medications are also in short supply, including two drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes!


Stranded Sailboat

The struggle of the sailboat stranded in Villefranche continues, as local port authorities warn of a real maritime danger. The boat has been  stranded now for several weeks just off the shore but yesterday the hull broke in to two leaving more debris in the water causing even more worry for port authorities and nearby residents. There is a general agreement that the boat needs to be removed but there are both technical and administrative obstacles. Removal costs have been estimated at more than €50000 and the mayor of Villefr