Lunchtime News Wednesday 12th January 2022


Covid figures are actually higher in reality - France's health minister Olivier Veran has said this morning during an interview with French media that figures for the number of daily covid cases in France are actually in reality much higher, saying that "when we identify 370,000 cases on a daily basis we can expect that in reality it is closer to a million".

Vaccination for children in Monaco - Vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 has started in Monaco on medical prescription. The princely government announced the measure in a press release on Tuesday. In France, vaccination has been open to all children aged 5 to 11 since the end of December, on a voluntary basis.

Closure of mosque in Cannes - France's Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has announced the closure of a mosque in Cannes this Wednesday due in particular to "anti-Semitic remarks". The Al Madina Al Mounawara Mosque is located on avenue du Petit Juas in Cannes.

African Swine Fever – A case of the African Swine Fever (ASF) has been detected in a wild boar in northern Italy, less than 100 km from the French border. The origin of the infection is not yet known. African swine fever is a contagious disease in pigs and wild boars. It is caused by a virus which also infects ticks. Following the reported case, the town hall of Castellar in the Alpes-Maritimes has called for vigilance.

Anti-mountain bike trap - A mountain biker has warned of an "anti-mountain bike trap" which he discovered at the foot of the Massif des Maures in the Var. Frédéric Glo who lives and works in Cogolin discovered the trap, consisting of two transparent and very thin wires placed at chest height easily not seen by mountain bikers and has since published a photo of the "trap" on social networks. The set up is identical to traps already found in France in recent years, intended to injure people on bicycles and motorcycles.

Monaco - Civil status figures published for 2021 by the City of Monaco have shown that there were more births, deaths and weddings in the Principality in 2021 compared to 2020 with the number of divorces decreasing in 2021 compared to 2020 for a second consecutive year. The number of births saw more boys born than girls and the most popular baby name for girls in 2021 was Victoria and Gabriel for boys.

The French government is expected to make an announcement today to ease travel restrictions between the UK and France. It comes after calls from French tourism bosses urging French President Emmanuel Macron to end the travel ban on UK holidaymakers, accusing him of punishing the industry over worsening ties with Britain. France has already slightly eased travel restrictions for travellers from the UK seeking to enter the country - with last week seeing anyone with compelling business trips being allowed into the country.


Last local news

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