French government announces that the CEO of the SNCF will be leaving his role after the Paris Olympics

French government announces that the CEO of the SNCF will be leaving his role after the Paris Olympics - The French government has announced that the CEO of the SNCF, France’s rail network, Jean-Pierre Farandou will be replaced after the Paris Olympics. Farandou has been at the head of the railway company since the end of 2019. The decision comes after the signing of an agreement on the end of employment contracts for SNCF employees which had been strongly criticised by France’s finance minister Bruno Le Maire and seen by the French government as a way around the new pension reform implemented last year. Signed on April 22nd by the four representative unions of the SNCF, the text will allow railway workers to cease their activity before retirement, with more than a year not worked and paid at 75% depending on their category.

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