French and Riviera News Thursday 14th December 2023


PACA region on red alert due to flu epidemic - The Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur region is on a red alert due to a flu epidemic. Public Health France announced on Wednesday, December 13th, that the seasonal flu epidemic has arrived in mainland France and that the Paca region is the most affected at the moment, entering an epidemic phase. Public Health France has called for “caution” as the flu epidemic coincides with an increase in the number of Covid 19 cases and advises people to pay particular attention when visiting elderly people during the Christmas holidays.

According to a Public Health France a survey carried out in September, showed that barely more than one in two French people consider it necessary to wear a mask if they have symptoms such as a cough or fever.

Cargo ship causes 28,000 litres of sulfuric acid to spill into the sea - 28,000 litres of sulfuric acid have ended up in the sea between Tuscany and Corsica after four lorries fell from a cargo ship.  The “Eurocargo Malta”, which belongs to the company Grimaldi Lines, lost four semi-trailers at sea on December 2nd while sailing between the Tuscany coastline and Corsica. Sulfuric acid is a highly toxic product for the environment and an investigation is currently being carried out by both Italian and Corsican coast guards to assess the pollution caused.

Bourges designated European Capital of Culture 2028 - The city of Bourges in central France has been designated European Capital o