The Good Life with Gavin & Dufflyn | Riviera Radio


10:00 - 17:00 (Lunch included

Ticket proceeds to Child CARE Monaco


What makes a good life?

Is your bank account full and yet your life feels empty?

Maybe you’ve found someone to build a life with and yet you’ve lost the spark?

Life itself?
Do you want it all now? Drink, drugs and rock “n” roll?

We all want a good life. So why does it seem to elude us? Why are many of us compulsively driven to want more? These days, we want it bigger and better.  More money. Better sex. Faster cars. More highs.

If you want to discover the secrets to the Good Life, come along on October 15th to the Monte-Carlo Bay hotel, in collaboration with Riviera Radio, we will explore what it takes to survive in a post pandemic world. So come and taste the good life with us.

Tickets cost €60.  To purchase tickets, please call +33 (0)6 40 61 99 82.

What You Will Get

- Tools you can apply immediately to embrace your authentic self,

- Information about your money script so that you can live in abundance,

- Insights into your relationships so that you can return to them refreshed,

- A deeper understanding into the risks and myths of the addictive personality

- A wellbeing toolkit to take home so that you can live your BEST life, and

- Lunch at the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel on the day of the event.


Why Bother With A Good Life Event?
The global pandemic was a game changer. Many of us now appreciate the importance of our mental health. We woke up to the fact that we were not living authentic lives. But, don’t we all deserve to achieve the highest version of ourselves? If your answer is a resounding YES, you’re in the right place!
Redefining Wellbeing
Self-care has become more than a hot bath or a weekly yoga class. It has become about self-preservation. Overnight we saw that people with chronic disease and poor metabolic health faced higher infection and mortality risks from COVID-19.  Diet matters. 

Without much warning, we began to question and how we live and work. It begs the question - how much money do we need to be happy today? Money matters.

We've begun to realise that lockdowns isolate us from ourselves and others. We need connection to survive. Love matters. 

We are beginning to recognise our collective existential angst. In our desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain, have we all become addicted to over-consumption and abundance? Is less more? Addiction matters. Lifestyle matters.

You matter!

So what are you waiting for? Come and grab some wellness with us. Come and find out what makes a good life with Dufflyn and Gavin next month, October 15th. The topics might be serious but we will have fun!  

To purchase tickets, please call +33 (0)6 40 61 99 82.
Most credit cards accepted, except American Express.
Proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to Child CARE Monaco.
Tickets are non-refundable.

Thank you to our sponsors for making this happen.

What makes a good life? Love? Money? Hot sex? Healthy living? Tune in to the Wellbeing Window at 09:00 on Wednesday 7th September. U.K. psychotherapist Gavin Sharpe will be discussing this and our upcoming Good Life Extravaganza in collaboration with Riviera Radio on Saturday 15th October at the Monte Carlo Bay hotel.

The global pandemic was a game changer. All of us now appreciate the importance of our mental health. In 2020, many of us woke up to the fact that we were not living authentic lives. Don’t we all deserve to achieve the highest version of ourselves? How can we achieve that?